Once upon my time
My life was all but too grim
With no one to call a friend
I was all alone.
Falling deeper in my dark world
Not even a future to look forward too
But one-day things changed.
In my time of need
There was no one there.
But I met you.
In my time of need, you stood faithfully by my side,
When all others failed
When it became my time of no need,
I knew you were the one.
You minded my broken heart.
Oh boy
You’ve taken the blue out of my life and put it back into my sky.
You bring light into my world
When everything seems dark
I may carry the torch now
But without you, life would be so blue.
Thanks to you I can show my true colours
Thanks to you I’ve learned how to smile
And I love you for all that and more.
Not even all the stars and moons in this universe can outshine you.
You mean everything to me
I love you
You’re smile & laughter makes my heart sing true happiness,
Remember this…
Every night when I go to bed,
I dream of you.
Even though you’re right by my side
I think I love you more than you know
Oh Boy
–Leo Ferreira 2012